
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Nasikagra Mudra (Gaze Fixed on the Nose Tip) of Hath Yoga

 The Nasikagra Mudra (Gaze Fixed on the Nose Tip) Mind steady, eyes semi-open, gaze fixed on the nose tip, the moon (ida) and sun (pingala) suspended, without any movement (physical or mental), that one attains the form of light (jyoti) which is endless and is complete, radiant, the Supreme. What more can be said? (41) The Nasikagra mudra could swiftly arouse the kundalini energy in the muladhara chakra. Its effect on the nervous system is similar to that of Bhastrika pranayama, even stronger. Due to its strong effect on the nervous system, the nasikagra mudra should be done carefully, only while sitting and under the guidance of a guru. People with optic and neurological issues should not do nasikagra mudra.  Technique of Nasikagra mudra Start with eyes closed and internally visualise the bridge of the nose. Lightly open the eyes and gaze at the tip of the nose. Breathe normally, not too deep neither too light. Breathe calmly. As you focus, the eyes will cross and the images ...

SHAMBHAVI MUDRA (Eyebrow Center Gazing) in Hath Yoga

 SHAMBHAVI MUDRA  (Eyebrow Center Gazing) With internalized (one-pointed) awareness and external gaze unblinking, that verily is shambhavi mudra, preserved in the Vedas. If the yogi remains with the chitta and prana absorbed in the internal object and gaze motionless, though looking, he is not seeing, it is indeedshambhavi mudra. When it is given by the guru’s blessing, the state of shoonyashoonya arises. That is the real state of Shiva (consciousness). (36-37) Shambhavi mudra is a powerful technique for awakening ajna chakra and is a meditation practice in its  own right. The name comes from Shambhavi, the name of Parvati who is the consort of Shiva, the Hindu lord. Parvati is a symbol of divine energy. The existence of human beings is supposed to be propelled from the same energy. It may produce profound experiences and should only be performed under the guidance of a competent teacher. Shambhavi mudra can bring your mind into a balanced condition and a state of a high ...

AMAROLI MUDRA (Attitude Arousing Immortality) in Hath Yoga

 AMAROLI MUDRA  (Attitude Arousing Immortality) According to the Kapalika sect, Amaroli is practiced by drinking the cool midstream of urine. The first part of the urine is left as it contains bile, and thelast part is left as it does not contain goodness. One who drinks amari, takes it through the nose and practices vajroli, is said tobe practicing amaroli. The practitioner should mix the semen with the ashes of burnt cow manureand wipe it on the upper parts of the body, it bestows divya drishti(clairvoyance or divine sight). (96-98). Amaroli mudra is a yogic practice that involves drinking one’s own urine for various health benefits. Amaroli is the practice leading to immortality. Here’s a brief on the procedure and benefits of Amaroli mudra. Techniques of Amaroli Mudra Drink the first urine of the day, which is the urine that has accumulated in the bladder overnight. Catch the urine mid-stream in a clean container. Drink the urine without holding the breath or breathing thr...

SHAKTI CHALANA MUDRA (Attitude of Moving the Energy) of Hath Yoga

 SHAKTI CHALANA MUDRA  (Attitude of Moving the Energy) Breathing in through the right nostril (pingala) the serpent (shakti) shouldbe seized through kumbhaka and rotated constantly for an hour and a half, morning and evening. The kanda, situated above the anus, one hand span high and four fingers breath wide, is soft and white as if enveloped in cloth. Firmly seated in vajrasana, holding the ankles, one should squeeze the kanda close to the anus. In the position of vajrasana, the yogi should move the kundalini. Havingdone bhastrika pranayama the kundalini is soon aroused. Contracting the sun in manipura, kundalini should be moved. Even if sucha person should be on the verge of death, where is the need to fear death? (112-16). Shakti Chalana Mudra describes the final stage of Hatha Yoga, often referred to as Kundalini Yoga. The term may be translated as the loosening of the power latent in one’s innate nature by means of a sealed path. This indicates that the process does not d...

SAHAJOLI MUDRA (Attitude of Spontaneous Arousing in Women) in Hath Yoga

 SAHAJOLI MUDRA  (Attitude of Spontaneous Arousing in Women)  Sahajoli and amaroli are separate techniques of vajroli. The ashes of burnt cow manure should be mixed with water. After performing vajroli during intercourse, (being in a comfortable position), the man and woman should wipe the ashes on specific parts of their bodies during the leisure time. It is called sahajoli and the yogis have complete faith in it. This is very beneficial and enables enlightenment through the combination of yoga and bhoga (sensual involvement). (92-94) Here in this sloka of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, we are shown that the combination of yoga (awareness) and bhoga (sensual involvement) are compatible. In fact, as long as you are involved in the external world the inner awareness must be developed and yoga or union must be the objective. This is where hatha yoga becomes extremely useful, whether one is following the path of involvement or resignation. Sahajoli mudra is the contraction of the...

VAJROLI MUDRA (Thunderbolt Attitude) in Hath Yoga

 VAJROLI MUDRA (Thunderbolt Attitude) in Hath Yoga Even anyone living a free lifestyle without the formal rules of yoga, if he practices vajroli well, that yogi becomes a recipient of perfections. There are two things hard to obtain, one is milk and the second is a woman who can act according to your will. By practicing gradual upward contractions during the emission in intercourse, any man or woman achieves perfection of vajroli. By slowly drawing in air through a prescribed tube inserted into the urethra of the penis, gradually air and prana traverse into the vajra kanda. The bindu (semen) that is about to fall into the woman’s vagina should bemade to move upwards with practice. And if it falls, the semen and the woman's fluid should be conserved by drawing it up.(83-87). Vajroli Mudra is one of the advanced practices of Hatha Yoga that works on the principle of semen preserving. This practice takes care of urinary disorders and reproductive system. Vajra is a Nadi that begins at...


 JALANDHARA BANDHA (Throat Lock) Contracting the throat by bringing the chin to the chest is the bandha called jalandhara. It destroys old age and death. That is jalandhara bandha which catches the flow of nectar in the throat. It destroys all throat ailments (70-71). Jalandhara bandha is the throat lock which helps prevent the fluid of bindu from flowing further down than vishuddhi. Jal is ‘throat,’ and dhara means ‘supporting’ or ‘a tubular vessel in the body. Jalandhara can be done in the same standing position as used for uddiyana bandha or nauli karma. However, it is usually practiced in conjunction with pranayama and other major kriyas involving breath retention.   Technique Sit comfortably in siddhasana/siddha yoni asana, padmasana, sukhasana or vajrasana. Place the palms of the hands on the knees and allow the whole body to relax. Inhale slowly and deeply and retain the breath. Lower the chin so that it touches the chest, or more specifically the collar bone. Simultane...


 VIPAREETA KARANI MUDRA (Reversing Attitude) There is a wonderful means by which the nectar is averted from falling into the opening of the sun. This is obtained by the guru’s instructions and not fromthe hundreds of shastras (treatises). With the navel region above and the palate below, the sun is above and themoon below. It is called vipareeta karani, the reversing process. When given by the guru’s instructions it is fruitful (78-79). Through the practice of vipareeta karani mudra we are directly concerned with reversing the flow of a fluid from the brain center. The process is reversed by reversing the natural upright body position. The force of gravity naturally pulls all body fluids down to the lower parts. By inverting the body so that the head is down and the feet are up, all the fluids flow back towards the head without undue force or pressure. There are various asanas which can also effect this, but the two most effective are vipareeta karani and sirshasana. However, the e...

UDDIYANA BANDHA (Abdominal Retraction Lock) in Hath Yoga

 UDDIYANA BANDHA  (Abdominal Retraction Lock) Uddiyana bandha is so-called by the yogis because through its practice the prana (is concentrated at one point and) rises through sushumna. The bandha described is called the rising or flying bandha, because throughits practice, the great bird (shakti) flies upward with ease. Pulling the abdomen back in and making the navel rise is uddiyanabandha. It is the lion which conquers the elephant, death. Pulling the abdomen back in and making the navel rise is uddiyanabandha. It is the lion which conquers the elephant, death. (55-58). In the practice of uddiyana bandha, the abdominal organs are pulled up and in, creating a natural upward flow of energy, therefore, it is often translated as ‘the stomach lift.’ Uddiyana means 'to rise up’ or ‘fly' and bandha means ‘to bind,’ ‘to hold captive’ or ‘to contract.’ Movement of shakti in the body is described as a bird. It tries to fly away time and time again, but it is constantly pulled down. H...

MOOLA BANDHA (Perineum/Cervix Retraction Lock) in Hath Yoga

 MOOLA BANDHA  (Perineum/Cervix Retraction Lock) in Hath Yoga Pressing the perineum/vagina with the heel and contracting the rectum sothat the apana vayu moves upward is moola bandha. By contracting the perineum the downward moving apana vayu is forced togo upward. Yogis call this moola bandha. Press the heel firmly against the rectum and contract forcefully andrepeatedly, so that the vital energy rises. (61-63) Moola bandha is meant to be used in combination with pranayama practices, kumbhaka, jalandhara and uddiyana bandhas.  When moola bandha is initially practiced there is a tendency to contract the two areas, i.e. the perineum and the anus. Moola bandha takes place in the center of the body, neither in the front nor back. Then mooladhara chakra is directly contacted. Controlled systematic contraction of the perineal body/cervix produces heat in the subtle body and this awakens the potential of kundalini. Technique 1: Moola Bandha Stage 1: Sit in any comfortable medit...

KHECHARI MUDRA (Attitude of Dwelling in Supreme Consciousness)

 KHECHARI MUDRA (Attitude of Dwelling  in Supreme Consciousness) Khechari mudra is turning the tongue backwards into the cavity of thecranium and turning the eyes inwards towards the eyebrow center. The tongue should be exercised and milked and the underneath part cut awayin small degrees. Indeed khechari is perfected when the tongue touches theeyebrow center. Then rub in a mixture of powdered rock salt and turmeric. After seven days, again cut a hair’s breadth. One should continue doing this regularly for six months, then the membrane at the root of the tongue will be completely severed. (32-36) Khecari mudra is carried out by curling the tip of the tongue back into the mouth until it reaches above the soft palate and into the nasal cavity. The tongue is made long enough to do this with many months of daily tongue stretching and, in some versions of the practice, by gradually severing the frenulum of the tongue with a sharp implement over a period of months. Its goal is to at...

MAHA VEDHA MUDRA (Great Piercing Attitude) in Hath Yoga

 MAHA VEDHA MUDRA  (Great Piercing Attitude) in Hath Yoga The yogi, in the position of maha bandha, should inhale, make the mindsteady and stop the movement of prana by performing the throat lock. Ida, pingala and sushumna become united and verily, immortality isattained. A death-like state occurs; then the breath should be exhaled. (27-28) Through maha vedha practice, the kundalini shakti is forced into sushumna and up to ajna chakra by gently beating the buttocks on the floor. This technique is described as tadan kriya or ‘the beating action’ in kriya yoga. Technique Sit in padmasana. If you have not perfected padmasana you will not beable to practice properly. Relax the body and keep the eyes closed. Place the palms of the hands on the floor beside the thighs. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose. Retain the breath inside and perform jalandhara bandha. Raise thebody by placing all the weight on the hands, straighten the arms, and gently beat the buttocks on the ground ...

MAHA MUDRA (The Great Attitude) of Hath Yoga

 MAHA MUDRA (The Great Attitude) of Hath Yoga Press the left heel into the perineum (or vagina), straighten the right leg, andwith the hands, firmly take hold of the outstretched foot. By locking the throat and retaining the breath, the prana rises straight, just like a snake beaten with a stick becomes straight. So the kundalini shakti becomes straight at once. Then the two (ida andpingala) become lifeless as the shakti enters sushumna. Then exhale slowly and gradually, not quickly. Indeed this is described asmaha mudra by the great siddhas. (10-13) Maha mudra is one of the kriya yoga practices. It involves asana, kumbhaka, mudra and bandha and makes a powerful pranic lock which spontaneously arouses meditation. Technique 1 Sit with the right leg stretched in front, bend the left knee and press theheel into the perineum or vagina. This posture is called utthanpadasana. Exhaling, lean forward and grasp the big toe of the right foot. Keep the head erect, eyes closed and the back str...

MAHA BANDHA (Great Lock) of Hath Yoga

 MAHA BANDHA (Great Lock) Press the heel of the left foot in the perineum/vagina and place the right footon the left thigh. Thus breathing in, bring the chin to the chest (jalandhara bandha), contract the perineal/cervical region (moola bandha) and concentrate on the eyebrow center (shambhavi mudra). Having retained the breath as long as comfortable, exhale slowly. Once completing the practice on the left side, practice again on the right side. Some are of the opinion that the throat lock (jalandhara bandha) isunnecessary and it is sufficient to keep the tongue against the front teeth. (19-22). Maha bandha is an advanced yogic practice that involves practicing three major bandhas together: mula bandha, uddiyana bandha and jalandhara bandha. Bandhas are performed in order to channel prana in the body.  Maha bandha can be practiced between each round of bhastrikapranayama. It is better to practice it in conjunction with bhastrika because kumbhaka can then be easily held for a lo...


 MOORCHHA PRANAYAMA (Swooning Breath) At the end of inhalation gradually become fixed on jalandhara bandha, then exhale slowly. This is called the fainting or swooning pranayama as it makes the mind inactive and (thus) confers pleasure (69). Moorchha pranayama is only to be done by advanced practitioners who have purified their bodies and who have a good capacity to retain the breath. With practice, the number of rounds can be increased and gradually extended from five minutes up to ten minutes. The purpose of this pranayama is to expand the consciousness and store prana. Technique 1 Sit in padmasana or siddhasana/siddha yoni asana and prepare yourself for pranayama. Place the palms of the hands on the knees and close the eyes. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose. Practice antar kumbhaka with jalandhara bandha and shambhavi mudra. Keep holding the breath for even longer than is comfortable. Close the eyes, release jalandhara, raise the chin slightly and exhale ina very contro...


 PLAVINI PRANAYAMA (Gulping Breath) The inner part of the abdomen being completely fitted with air, one can float like a lotus leaf on water (70). According to the hatha yoga texts, plavini pranayama enables one to float on water. It is an unusual form of pranayama which is similar to vatsara dhauti, except the air is retained in the stomach and intestines and not expelled immediately. Technique Sit in any meditative pose and prepare yourself for pranayama. Inhalation can be done in one of two ways. Either inhale slowly through both nostrils and gulp the air into the stomach, or inhale through the mouth in kaki mudra, i.e. pursing the lips in the shape of a crow’s beak. After inhalation the air has to be swallowed as you swallow food, retained inside and not belched out. Practice as many times as possible without expelling the air. While retaining the air inside the stomach there should be absolutely no physical movement or the air will escape. Try to retain the air in the stomach ...


 BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA  (Humming Bee Breath) Breathe in quickly, making a reverberating sound like the male black bee, and exhale slowly while softly making the sound of the female black bee. Bythis yogic practice one becomes lord of the yogis and the mind is absorbed inbliss (68). In bhramari pranayama, you make sound during respiration like the sound of a black bee. Bhramari should be practiced after asana, nadi shodhana and dynamic forms of pranayama, and before meditation or sleep. It is best to practice on an empty stomach. Bhramari helps to awaken psychic sensitivity and awareness of subtle vibrations, therefore, it is better to practice in theearly hours of the morning or late at night. Technique 1 Sit in any comfortable meditative pose, relax the body and practice kaya sthairyam. Keep the eyes closed throughout the practice. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose, listening to the sound of the breath. Close the ears with the index and middle fingers by pressing the mid...


 BHASTRIKA PRANAYAMA (Bellows Breath) Placing both soles of the feet on top of the thighs is padmasana which destroys all sins (bad karma). Sitting properly in padmasana, keeping neck and abdomen in alignment, exhale prana through the nose. And again the air should be quickly inhaled up to the heart lotus. Accordingly, the resounding is felt from the heart and throat up to the cranium. In that way it (the breath) is inhaled and exhaled repeatedly, with the samemotion as a pair of bellows being pumped (59-62).  Bhastrika pranayama imitates the action of the bhastra or ‘bellows’ and fans the internal fire, heating the physical and subtle bodies. This pranayama is similar to vatakrama kapalbhati, but in bhastrika, inhalation and exhalation are equal and are the result of systematic and equal lung movements. The breath has to besucked in and pushed out with a little force. Technique 1 Stage 1: Sit comfortably in your meditative pose, relax and prepare yourself for pranayama. Keep...