KHECHARI MUDRA (Attitude of Dwelling in Supreme Consciousness)

(Attitude of Dwelling  in Supreme Consciousness)

Khechari mudra is turning the tongue backwards into the cavity of thecranium and turning the eyes inwards towards the eyebrow center. The tongue should be exercised and milked and the underneath part cut awayin small degrees. Indeed khechari is perfected when the tongue touches theeyebrow center. Then rub in a mixture of powdered rock salt and turmeric. After seven days, again cut a hair’s breadth. One should continue doing this regularly for six months, then the membrane at the root of the tongue will be completely severed. (32-36)

Khecari mudra is carried out by curling the tip of the tongue back into the mouth until it reaches above the soft palate and into the nasal cavity. The tongue is made long enough to do this with many months of daily tongue stretching and, in some versions of the practice, by gradually severing the frenulum of the tongue with a sharp implement over a period of months. Its goal is to attain liberation in the body, by sealing in the energy of bindu in the head so that it is not lost.


There are two techniques of khechari mudra. The first techniques described here which involves the gradual cutting of the frenum and elongation of the tongue is the hatha yoga form, and only those who have detoxified their body and are advised by the guru should attempt it. 

It is taught from an early age, twelve to sixteen years, during the period when the body is still developing. First the tongue has to be massaged and this is done by holding it with a piece of cloth and gently stretching it, and pulling it from side to side. Then the frenum lingue is very gradually cut with a sharp and sterilized blade. The process draws a little blood but there is no pain. After this the wound is wiped with turmeric powder and/or powdered rock salt, so that there can be no infection and healing will be quick.

The process of ‘milking,’ i.e. rubbing and stretching, is done everyday; cutting is done on alternate days, or every few days. When the tongue becomes elongated it is not possible to move it by itself into the nasal cavity, for this the fingers or a thin hooked instrument has to be used. In order for the tongue to reach the ‘eyebrow center,’ it takes many years of practice.

Once the tongue has been sufficiently elongated, it has to be inserted into the nasal cavity at the back of the throat. This is not an easy process and at first it will be necessary to push the tongue into position with the fingers. When the tongue is strengthened, it can be pushed right into the back of the nasal cavity by itself, and when prana is awakened in the body, the tongue will move into that position spontaneously.

When the tongue is inserted right up into the nasal cavity, the breath can be directed into either nostril by the tip of the tongue. The tip of the tongue will be able to block the right or left passage or be placed a little lower so that both nostrils are open. To actually elongate the tongue tothe extent that it can move up to the eyebrow center will take many years of consistent practice.


Khechari mudra exerts a controlling influence upon the network of endocrine glands throughout the body. This is achieved by regulating the production of the powerful secretions of the brain itself, which areproduced in tiny amounts to control the pituitary gland and thereby thewhole orchestra of glands associated with the centers below ajna. These dependent glands include the thyroid, mammary, thymus, adrenal and reproductive glands, as well as many other dependent processes which continually go on in the body. It also helps in spiritual growth, improves voice quality, controls anger, strengthens intuitionc power and heals the chakras and awakens the Kundalini Force.


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