SHAMBHAVI MUDRA (Eyebrow Center Gazing) in Hath Yoga

(Eyebrow Center Gazing)

With internalized (one-pointed) awareness and external gaze unblinking, that verily is shambhavi mudra, preserved in the Vedas. If the yogi remains with the chitta and prana absorbed in the internal object and gaze motionless, though looking, he is not seeing, it is indeedshambhavi mudra. When it is given by the guru’s blessing, the state of shoonyashoonya arises. That is the real state of Shiva (consciousness). (36-37)

Shambhavi mudra is a powerful technique for awakening ajna chakra and is a meditation practice in its  own right. The name comes from Shambhavi, the name of Parvati who is the consort of Shiva, the Hindu lord. Parvati is a symbol of divine energy. The existence of human beings is supposed to be propelled from the same energy. It may produce profound experiences and should only be performed under the guidance of a competent teacher. Shambhavi mudra can bring your mind into a balanced condition and a state of a high level of consciousness. There are more than 50 mudras and Shambhavi Mahamudra is one of the most powerful of them all.

Technique of Shambhavi Mudra

Sit in any meditative posture and prepare yourself as for meditation.

Then open the eyes and gaze upward at the eyebrow center. Keep theeyes steady and hold for as long as possible.

When the eyes become tired, close them and keep your gaze fixed onthe chidakasha, the space in front of the closed eyes.

After some practice a light will appear when the eyes are open.

After more practice still, the light will appear when the eyes are closed.

Concentrate on that point of light. Once the light appears it must be concentrated upon and held in the center. Shambhavi mudra can be practiced on its own or in combination with other practices of pranayama, bandha and asana. It is also used in kriya yoga. Once you can practice it externally without the eyes tiring, practice it with closed eyes.

Benefits of Shambhavi Mudra

It is the huge list of benefits that has ensured that this ancient form of yoga and meditation survived thousands of years. Here is a list of some of the most important shambhavi mudra benefits.

Shambhavi mudra helps to connect with intuition. It helps to transcend your mind and help you to reach higher states of consciousness. 

It activates the Anjana chakra (the third-eye). It improves interpersonal communication skills. It cleans out your eyes. It helps you to reach ‘Samadhi’, the highest state of concentration. 

Another great benefit of this mudra is that it is a good exercise for your eye and strengthens your eye muscles.  It helps us awaken our being. Lasty, but not the least, it develops psychic power.


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