VAJROLI MUDRA (Thunderbolt Attitude) in Hath Yoga

 VAJROLI MUDRA (Thunderbolt Attitude) in Hath Yoga

Even anyone living a free lifestyle without the formal rules of yoga, if he practices vajroli well, that yogi becomes a recipient of perfections. There are two things hard to obtain, one is milk and the second is a woman who can act according to your will. By practicing gradual upward contractions during the emission in intercourse, any man or woman achieves perfection of vajroli. By slowly drawing in air through a prescribed tube inserted into the urethra of the penis, gradually air and prana traverse into the vajra kanda. The bindu (semen) that is about to fall into the woman’s vagina should bemade to move upwards with practice. And if it falls, the semen and the woman's fluid should be conserved by drawing it up.(83-87).

Vajroli Mudra is one of the advanced practices of Hatha Yoga that works on the principle of semen preserving. This practice takes care of urinary disorders and reproductive system. Vajra is a Nadi that begins at the genitals and control the urogenital system. According to the Shatkarma Sangraha there are seven practices of vajroli. The practice involves years of preparation which commences with the simple contraction of the urogenital muscles and later the sucking up of liquids. Only after the sixth practice is perfected can the seventh be successfully attempted by the yogi, that is the practice included in maithuna, yogic intercourse. Through this practice of vajroli, the sexual energy, hormones and secretions are reassimilated into the body. Its outcome is the union of the negative and positive poles of energy within one’s own body.

On practicing Vajroli mudra, the practitioner’s muscles around genitals become hard enough to control the urogenital system. This intensifies the genital organ, like a Vajra to prevent orgasm or sexual desires. Hence, Vajroli mudra is also called ‘thunderbolt gesture’. In Vajroli Mudra, awareness is cultivated to the genital organ and with full effort, the muscle around it is contracted. This contraction reduces the semen tendency to flow out, thus it’s preserved. When it’s preserved for a long time over this area, then with further efforts it pulled up to Chakras and known as Kundalini energy.

Technique of Vajroli Mudra 

There are 5 levels of practicing Vajroli mudra. A practitioner has to master each preceding level before attempting the higher level. Each preceding level transforms practitioners into an expert in controlling their fluids through the urogenital passage.

Level 1 – Normal Movements

In this level, we try to cultivate awareness around the pubic area region and with cultivated awareness, bring some normal movement in it.

Stage 1: Pulling Up of Muscles: Begin with a seated posture, Padmasana, Siddhasana, or Sukhasana, and lengthen your spine. While breathing normally (Very Important), bring your attention to the pubic area through which the root of the penis is attached.

Now with an exhalation, start pulling the muscles of the ‘pubic region’ or more precisely the ‘root of the penis’ back and upwards to the navel. 

Hold this pull as per your ease and then release it. This counts the one round. Repeat the process for 15-20 rounds and as gradually your holding capacity improves then increase these rounds.

Stage 2: Rotation of Muscles: After this, fetch your attention to the base of the penis. Now, try to rotate muscles around the base in clockwise and then in an anti-clockwise with the same number of rounds. Practice it 10 to 15 rounds per go. One can gradually increase the number of rounds.

Level 2 – Movements with Breath Retention (Kumbha)

This level of practice demands the external retention of breath (bahya kumbhaka), after arriving into the seating position.

Stage 1: Pulling Up of Muscles: Perform Uddiyana bandha – by up and inside pulling of abdominal muscles towards the spine.

Now, go for Jalandhar bandha or chin lock, which assists in the external retention of the breath. Make sure not to breathe throughout the practice.

Focus on the root muscles of the penis or around the urethral sphincter. Now, pull those muscles upward and hold for a few seconds or minutes and then release gently.

Practice as long as it remains comfortable. Then release the uddiyana & then Jalandhar bandha one by one and breathe normally.

Stage 2: Rotation of Muscles: Concentrate on the base of the penis. After exhalation, perform uddiyana and jalandhara bandha. Now, try to rotate the vicinity muscles of base of the penis in clockwise and then in an anticlockwise, as in stage 1.

Begin with 10 to 15 rounds per go and gradually practice as many rounds possible. Without over straining the practice, release both locks gently and breathe normally.

Stage 3: Movements with Naukasana: Due to the advancement in practice, practitioners with mastery over the first and second levels can perform this level.

Naukasana or boat pose needs to be acquired to proceed with this practice. By lying down in Shavasana breathe normally and relax. Bring your legs into a specific angle to the ground, keeping legs straight. Now, raise your thorax upward and form a V-shaped pose. Lifting of legs and thorax put immense pressure on the abdominal muscles. Use your hands to support the pose and breathe normally.

Level 4: Drawing Water Through the Catheter: This level is strictly suggested to the yogi or advanced practitioners, as it involves a critical process. The improper practice could cause serious damage to the organs concerned with the urinogenital tract. So, it’s better to practice under the guidance of a yoga guru.

This practice involves the insertion of a catheter (thin medical tube) through the urethra into the urinary bladder in order to suck the fluids into the bladder. 

After insertion, the practitioner tries to suck the air through the catheter, which could be done by complete exhalation with uddiyana bandha along with Madhya nauli.

Getting good in the above practice via the same techniques made the practitioner suck the fluids like water, oil, ghee, honey, and mercury. This practice is strictly performed under the guidance of a well-educated master.

Level 5 – Drawing Water Without Catheter

There is a few number of practitioners who can do this. Only a yogi with unimaginable capabilities can perform this activity.

This level involves sucking up of liquids directly through the penis into the bladder, no use of catheters. This can be performed with the help female partner. A yogi can suck his semen back if it is ejaculated accidentally while performing the activity.

Benefits of Vajroli Mudra 

Numerous benefits come with the practice of Vajroli Mudra. Appropriate practice under the guidance of well-renowned yogi leads to the dive into the ocean of pleasurable health benefits.

Vajroli mudra cures pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD). On the better function of the pelvic floor, symptoms of urine or stool leakage, frequent need to pee, and straining to defecate is relieved.

It helps to preserve the vital or sexual fluids. This leads to sexual potency even in old age.

A study has shown just 5 minutes practice of Vajroli mudra daily prevents premature ejaculation.

Due to the influence of vajra Nadi in the digestive system, it improves digestion.

Activation of vajra Nadi by this mudra sublimates the sexual energy to the upward to the brain, which further improves the vigor.

Vajroli mudra helps in the perfection of Khechari mudra for the advanced yogis, which further helps in the awakening of Muladhara Chakra, the place of Kundalini energy

It helps to clear all the sexual blocks in men. Due to mental preconditioning or improper control over sexual energy, men are unable to uplift kundalini shakti beyond the Sacral chakra. So, vajroli mudra helps in clearing those blocks and also helps in the spiritual evolution of men.

It cures various disorders concerned with the sexual urinary bladder and enlargement of the prostate gland. 

Mastery over this mudra gives immense control over the sexual fluid retention which further leads to an intense orgasm.


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