MAHA BANDHA (Great Lock) of Hath Yoga

 MAHA BANDHA (Great Lock)

Press the heel of the left foot in the perineum/vagina and place the right footon the left thigh. Thus breathing in, bring the chin to the chest (jalandhara bandha), contract the perineal/cervical region (moola bandha) and concentrate on the eyebrow center (shambhavi mudra). Having retained the breath as long as comfortable, exhale slowly. Once completing the practice on the left side, practice again on the right side. Some are of the opinion that the throat lock (jalandhara bandha) isunnecessary and it is sufficient to keep the tongue against the front teeth. (19-22).

Maha bandha is an advanced yogic practice that involves practicing three major bandhas together: mula bandha, uddiyana bandha and jalandhara bandha. Bandhas are performed in order to channel prana in the body.  Maha bandha can be practiced between each round of bhastrikapranayama. It is better to practice it in conjunction with bhastrika because kumbhaka can then be easily held for a longer time.

Technique 1

Sit in half padmasana with the left heel pressing the perineum/vagina andthe right foot on top of the left thigh.

Prepare yourself as for any meditation practice. Breathe in slowly through the left nostril and perform antar kumbhaka (internal breath retention), then jalandhara and moola bandhas and shambhavi mudra.

The eyes may be kept closed throughout the practice with concentration on bhrumadhya during retention.

Hold kumbhaka, the bandhas and shambhavi for as long ascomfortable.

Before exhaling, release shambhavi mudra, then moola bandha andlastly jalandhara.

When the head is upright and the shoulders are relaxed, exhaleslowly through the right nostril.

Then breathe in slowly through the right nostril and practice asdescribed above. When exhaling, breathe through the left nostril.

This is one round. Before starting the next round, breathe normallyfor a minute or two and concentrate on the natural breath.

Practice three rounds initially and increase up to five.


Maha bandha is a complete practice which can awaken the entirepranic capacity in the main chakras. It activates the visuddha, manipura and muladhara chakras. It also promotes a sense of balance, elevates one’s level of consciousness and boosts mental clarity and power.

Physical health benefits of maha bandha include strengthening of the autonomic nervous system and pelvic region. It also supports intestinal function, promotes immunity, regulates thyroid function, strengthens internal organs, promotes core strength and energizes the body.


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