Contracting the throat by bringing the chin to the chest is the bandha called jalandhara. It destroys old age and death. That is jalandhara bandha which catches the flow of nectar in the throat. It destroys all throat ailments (70-71).

Jalandhara bandha is the throat lock which helps prevent the fluid of bindu from flowing further down than vishuddhi. Jal is ‘throat,’ and dhara means ‘supporting’ or ‘a tubular vessel in the body. Jalandhara can be done in the same standing position as used for uddiyana bandha or nauli karma. However, it is usually practiced in conjunction with pranayama and other major kriyas involving breath retention.



Sit comfortably in siddhasana/siddha yoni asana, padmasana, sukhasana or vajrasana. Place the palms of the hands on the knees and allow the whole body to relax. Inhale slowly and deeply and retain the breath.

Lower the chin so that it touches the chest, or more specifically the collar bone. Simultaneously, straighten the elbows and raise the shoulders. Hold for as long as is comfortable.

Then release jalandhara by slowly raising the head and relaxing the shoulders. Exhale in a very slow and controlled manner.

Practice five rounds, breathing normally for a minute or two betweeneach round. Then practice five rounds with external retention.


Jalandhara bandha is extremely useful for alleviating throat disorders such as inflammation, stuttering, excess mucus in the throat, tonsillitis, etc. It also improves the quality of the voice and increases the quantum of prana in the thoracic region. 

When jalandhara is performed it exerts pressure on them and the flow of nervous impulses to the brain is restricted. These impulses collect in the cervical plexus and when the bandha is released they flood into the brain. The force of these impulses helps to activate higher centers in the brain.

By applying jalandhara bandha this fleshy gland is squeezed. The nerve stimuli and blood flow to and from the gland are modified, and the secretory responses of the gland are modulated.

By regulating throat muscles, it aids in controlled breathing, beneficial for respiratory health. It also improves the ability to retain the breath for a longer time.

The throat lock stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands, helping to balance metabolism and hormonal function. Regular practice strengthens neck muscles, encouraging better posture and reducing tension in the neck and shoulders. It prevents undue pressure changes that can sometimes be induced by exercise and breathing, reducing dizziness. 

The action of lengthening the neck and dropping the chin to the chest stimulates the vagus nerve, one of the longest and most important nerves in the body, which alleviates stress and induces a state of relaxation. The concentration required in Jalandhara Bandha sharpens mental focus and clarity, useful in meditation and daily activities.

It seals the energy that is generated in the upper areas of the brain stem. It helps in aligning and balancing the throat chakra, vital for communication and self-expression. By channeling energy upwards through the Sushumna Nadi, it aids in spiritual awakening. 

Because jalandhara has a powerful effect on the blood pressure, people with high blood pressure or heart disease should not practice without the guidance of a teacher.


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