MAHA MUDRA (The Great Attitude) of Hath Yoga

 MAHA MUDRA (The Great Attitude) of Hath Yoga

Press the left heel into the perineum (or vagina), straighten the right leg, andwith the hands, firmly take hold of the outstretched foot. By locking the throat and retaining the breath, the prana rises straight, just like a snake beaten with a stick becomes straight. So the kundalini shakti becomes straight at once. Then the two (ida andpingala) become lifeless as the shakti enters sushumna. Then exhale slowly and gradually, not quickly. Indeed this is described asmaha mudra by the great siddhas. (10-13)

Maha mudra is one of the kriya yoga practices. It involves asana, kumbhaka, mudra and bandha and makes a powerful pranic lock which spontaneously arouses meditation.

Technique 1

Sit with the right leg stretched in front, bend the left knee and press theheel into the perineum or vagina. This posture is called utthanpadasana.

Exhaling, lean forward and grasp the big toe of the right foot.

Keep the head erect, eyes closed and the back straight. Relax in the position. Perform khechari mudra, then slowly inhale, tilting the head slightly backwards and perform shambhavi mudra (gaze at the eyebrow center).

Hold the breath inside (antar kumbhaka) and perform moola bandha (contraction of the perineum/cervix). Rotate your awareness from the eyebrow center to the throat and base of the spine, mentally repeating ‘ajna, vishuddhi, mooladhara’ or ‘shambhavi, khechari, moola,’ while retaining the breath. Continue for as long as you can hold the breath without straining.

Then close the eyes, release moola bandha, lower the head into itsnormal position and exhale slowly. This is one round. Practice three times with the left leg folded, change the position anddo it on the right side three times.

Then keep both legs stretched in front, as in paschimottanasana and again perform the practice three times.

Maha mudra should be done after asana and pranayama and before meditation. You should only increase the number of rounds when instructed by your teacher or guru.

Technique 2

If you cannot sit comfortably in utthan padasana you can practice in siddhasana/siddha yoni asana.

Sit with the hands on the knees in jnana or chin mudra and practice in the same way, but without bending forward. Practice five to ten times.

The kriya yoga practice of maha mudra incorporates ujjayi pranayama, khechari mudra, awareness of arohan/awarohan passages and the chakras, and unmani mudra. The hatha yoga variation is a good preparation for the kriya yoga technique which should not be attempted without the guru’s instruction.


The benefits of maha mudra are equal and above those of mayurasana and it is essentially moredynamic on a pranic and psychic level. It clears the nadis and particularly stimulates the flow of sushumna. It increases one’s vitality, stimulates digestion andharmonizes all bodily functions. It also increases one’s awareness, brings about clarity of thought and helps one to overcome depression. 


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