The Nasikagra Mudra (Gaze Fixed on the Nose Tip) of Hath Yoga

 The Nasikagra Mudra (Gaze Fixed on the Nose Tip)

Mind steady, eyes semi-open, gaze fixed on the nose tip, the moon (ida) and sun (pingala) suspended, without any movement (physical or mental), that one attains the form of light (jyoti) which is endless and is complete, radiant, the Supreme. What more can be said? (41)

The Nasikagra mudra could swiftly arouse the kundalini energy in the muladhara chakra. Its effect on the nervous system is similar to that of Bhastrika pranayama, even stronger. Due to its strong effect on the nervous system, the nasikagra mudra should be done carefully, only while sitting and under the guidance of a guru. People with optic and neurological issues should not do nasikagra mudra. 

Technique of Nasikagra mudra

Start with eyes closed and internally visualise the bridge of the nose. Lightly open the eyes and gaze at the tip of the nose. Breathe normally, not too deep neither too light. Breathe calmly. As you focus, the eyes will cross and the images blur. Focus on the nose tip only.

Breathe mindfully. Observe any differences in the flow of the breath. You may feel that one side is more open than the other. Just observe. Do not alter the breath. When the eyes fatigue, close them and allow your optic nerves to relax. Observe the images, colours, etc you see as you gaze inwardly in the Chidakasha (behind your eyelids). If you see moving shapes, lines, colours, flashing or blinking lights, focus on them. They activate the inner brain.

Benefits of Nasikagra Mudra 

Nasikagra Mudra helps calm down the anger and relieve mental stress. It benefits by helping improve the power of concentration of the mind. If practiced over a period of time it can help awaken and balance the Mooladhara Chakra,  and take the practitioner into the psychic and spiritual planes of consciousness

It helps improve the eye sight and strengthens the muscles holding the eye balls. It is believed that as the practice of Nasikagra Drishti Mudra deepens one can experience the divine aroma (divya gandha). If practiced just before going to sleep it can heal insomnia. It can help the practitioner gain control over prana through meditation.


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