
Showing posts from March, 2023

Youth Involvement in Crime and Violence

Youth Involvement in Crime and Violence Biopsychosocial Analysis Nina Varma ISBN        :       978-81-8220-857-5 Size           :       19×24 Cm Year         :       2017 Page         :       384 Edn          :       2nd Price         :       Rs. 2500- $(US) 125 About the Book This edition is a compilation of political talk, media stories, government initiatives and academic research about the biopsychosocial behaviour of youth involved in crime and violence. The purpose of this book is to briefly outline major theories that have examined the root causes of crime and violence and its preventive measures in two parts. The first part reviews the major principles or concepts associated with involvement of youth in crime and violence in twelve chapters and the second part examines various crime prevention strategies and its impact in ten chapters. A number of academic disciplines have developed specific theories to explain the onset and persistence of violent behavi

Sexual Selection in Man

  Sexual Selection in Man K.L. Kerber ISBN   :   978-81-8220-876-6 Size     :   14×22 Cm Year    :   2017 Edn     :   2 nd Page    :   290 Price    :   Rs. 995/- $(US) 50   About the Book This edition has made serious efforts at exploring the mystery which underlies all the subtle appreciations, all the emotional undertones, which are woven in the web of the whole world as it appeals to us through those sensorial passages by which alone it can reach us. Of the four senses—touch, smell, hearing, and sight—with which the present book is concerned, touch is the most primitive, and at the same time, most important, though it is usually the last to make its appeal felt. We are here approaching, therefore, a fundamental subject of unsurpassable importance, a subject which has not yet been accurately explored except a few isolated points and one which is impossible to deal with fully and adequately. Yet, it cannot be passed over, for it enters into the whole psycholo

Islam and Scientific Debate

  Islam and Scientific Debate Searching for Legitimacy Ed. By Dr. Rais Ahmad ISBN   :   978-81-8220-875-9 Size     :   14×22 Cm Year    :   2017 Edn     :   2 nd Page    :   230 Price    :   Rs. 900/- $(US) 45 About the Book In this edition ten articles of eminent scholars of Islamic science have been reproduced to reconsider views and values of Islamic science . The articles selected are of varied nature that shed light on the rise and fall of science during Islamic civilization; the scientific interpretation of the Qur’ân; philosophical evaluatation of modern science and propose Islamic alternative; role of the various schools of thought in development of Islamic Science and a methodology as to how modern science can be adopted in Islam. Hope, this edition will help to understand Islamic contribution to modern science. About the Author Rais Ahmad  did his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Chemistry from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Then he joined a

Golwalkar's Role in National Movement and Partition

  The main challenge before Golwalkar after Sarsanghachalak was how to speed up the expansion of the work. For this purpose, he himself started briskly touring all over the country. But how could only one man’s movements help in spreading the Sangh work fast and wide? For that purpose, it became necessary to send out workers who would be regularly present on the spot and also train the local workers. So, after careful thought an expansion plan was chalked out. It was to send pracharaks to all the distant parts of the country. In order to implement this plan in 1941 Golwalkar moved from place to place carrying a highly emotional appeal that touched the heart-strings of the youthful, dynamic Swayamsevaks. He tried to bring home to them the fact that the Sangh work was not a leisure-time activity, but something which demanded more and more of their time and energy. The speech he made on the Varsha Pratipada Day in 1942 is an index to his deep anxiety in this respect. In view of its specia
    Ethical Dimensions of Environment S.D. Chamola First Edition, 2014 ISBN:   978-81-8220-653-3 Rs. 1300 About the Book The book analyses the ethical dimensions of environment. There is dearth of literature on this aspect and the present work is a humble contribution to enrich this aspect of environmental ethics. Only four aspects of the ethical dimensions of environment have been taken into consideration. The first dimension deals with concepts and related issues of environmental ethics, its various approaches and the philosophical development in the field. In the second dimension, an attempted has been made to link economic development with environmental ethics. This involves the study of cost-benefit analysis of environment. The scope and subject matter of ecological economics are also discussed. The third dimension analyses the social issues associated with environmental ethics. The major issues included are the ethical aspects of land, animals, population, quality

Hindu Philosophy


New Released book

  Indianisation of Education by Indian Educationists Dr. Rita Raj ISBN   :   978-81-8220-879-7 Size     :   14×22 Cm Year    :   2017 Edn     :   1st Page    :   168 Price    :   Rs. 900/- $(US) 50   About the Book The modern system of Indianised education claims to provide an indigenous method of teaching for India that is devoid of western influences and allows students to take pride in religio-cultural tradition of India. Since the system has only recently come to the fore, my analysis shall be based upon the statements made by its votaries and actions of people rooting for an Indianised system. The present book constitutes the life and work of seven educationists— Rabindra Nath Tagore,   Madan Mohan Malaviya,   Mohandas Karamchan Gandhi, Sri Aurobido, J. Krishnamurthi, Malcolm Adiseshiah and J.P. Naik who devoted their life for Indianisation Indian education system. Hope this book will help in glorifying Indian education system. About the Auth