Sexual Selection in Man


Sexual Selection in Man

K.L. Kerber

ISBN  :  978-81-8220-876-6

Size    :  14×22 Cm

Year   :  2017

Edn    :  2nd

Page   :  290

Price   :  Rs. 995/- $(US) 50


About the Book

This edition has made serious efforts at exploring the mystery which underlies all the subtle appreciations, all the emotional undertones, which are woven in the web of the whole world as it appeals to us through those sensorial passages by which alone it can reach us. Of the four senses—touch, smell, hearing, and sight—with which the present book is concerned, touch is the most primitive, and at the same time, most important, though it is usually the last to make its appeal felt. We are here approaching, therefore, a fundamental subject of unsurpassable importance, a subject which has not yet been accurately explored except a few isolated points and one which is impossible to deal with fully and adequately. Yet, it cannot be passed over, for it enters into the whole psychology of the sexual instinct.


About the Author


K.L. Kerber is one of the leading psycho-analysts and feminist writers who made an important contribution on women psychology. She did M.A. and M.Phil. from Calcutta University and obtained the doctorate degree from Columbia University. Presently, she is working as a psycho-analyst in New York. A number of researches oriented and scholarly articles that she wrote have already been published in the journal of international repute.

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