KOORMASANA (Tortoise Pose) in Hath Yoga Pradipika

 KOORMASANA (Tortoise Pose)

Press the anus firmly with the ankles in the opposite direction and sit well-poised. According to the yogis this is koormasana (Hath Yoga Pradipika 22).

 The Kurmasana is considered a posture that can connect your inner self with the spiritual ones. It enhances the flexibility of the back, hips, neck and shoulders. Furthermore, it also withdraws distractions and keeps your nerves calm.

The Tortoise Pose is beneficial for certain muscles, like the lower and upper back, core abs, biceps and triceps, hamstrings, hips, pelvis, neck and quadriceps. So, if you include this posture with other asanas that focus on the same muscles, you can extract more health benefits.

Technique of Kurmasana

Sit on the ground and spread the legs out to the sides as much as possible.

Exhaling, lean forward, bend the knees and slip the arms under the knees, taking the hands back behind the buttocks.

Bring the forehead down to the ground.

Breathe normally in the final position.

Benefits of Kurmasana

This asana is extremely helpful for those who have a slipped disc. It also stimulates the kidneys and the digestive tract. Blood flow is directed to the spine and back muscles, neck and head.


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