Doctrine of Peace in the Holy Qur’ân
The doctrine of peace in the Qur’ân can be found both in ethical and mystical forms of manifestation. The ethical content of this doctrine occurs frequently in the Qur’ân, where it is said that the path to the attainment of peace with God is through the attainment of peace with mankind. The very nature of God as understood in Islam is As-salam or the cause of peace. Peace has been proclaimed as a supreme virtue for personal behaviour also. The Qur’ân mentions that “the (faithful) slaves of the Beneficent are they who walk upon the earth modestly, and when the foolish ones address then their answer is peace.” It has been further exemplified at another place in the Qur’ân, where it is said: “Be modest in thy bearing and subdue thy voice: Lo! the harshest of all voices is the voice of the ass.” This sobriety, modesty, and lack of tension are the prime virtues of demeanour which are prescribed by the Qur’ân. Apart from these personal norms which might be less directly related t...