Banke Chamar: Dalit Rebellion of 1857

2 क्रांतिकारी बांके चमार, जिन पर 1857 में अंग्रेजों ने 50,000 का इनाम रखा,  आजादी के बहुजन नायक - YouTube

Banke Chamar was a freedom fighter who died for his actions in the Indian Rebellion of 1857. He lived in the villege of Kaurpur in Machhli Shahar in Jaunpur district of Uttar Pradesh. When the revolution failed, the British Government declared that Banke Chamar and his 18 associates were revolutionaries and he was hanged after arrest.  

The bravery of martyr Banke Chamar is also described. He lived in village Kuarpur, Macchli Shahar, Janpad Jaunpur. When the revolution failed, the British declared Banke Chamar and 18 of his associates as baghi (revolutionaries). Banke Chamar was ordered to be hung after being arrested. Thus this brave revolutionary laid down his life for the country.


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