Walking Can Be A Great Cardio Workout
Walking Can Be A Great Cardio Workout Does Walking Count as Cardio? Good news for anyone out there who hates running: “Walking can definitely count as cardio,” says Stonehouse. Since cardio pretty much encompasses all low-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise, your strolls around the neighborhood, hilly hikes, and power walks all fit the bill. “There are many different training intensity levels that fall in the category of ‘cardio,’" Stonehouse says. "With the right speeds and inclines, you could reach any of them with walking." (In fact, STRIDE often builds walking intervals into its tread workouts.) What Are the Benefits of Walking? The biggest perk of getting your stroll on: 150 minutes (or two-and-a-half hours) of moderate-intensity cardio per week significantly reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease, per the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans . Yep, just five, 30-minute ...