
Showing posts from February, 2022

Mental Relaxation Techniques

Perhaps it will be as well for us to give an exercise in Mental Relaxation before we conclude this chapter. Of course, physical relaxation reacts on the mind and rests it. But Mental Relaxation also reacts upon the body and rests it. So this exercise may reach the needs of some who have not found just what they required in the preceding pages of this chapter. Sit quietly in a relaxed and easy position and withdraw the mind as far as possible from outside objects and from thoughts which require active mental effort. Let your thought reach inward and dwell upon the real self. Think of yourself as independent of the body and as able to leave it without impairing the individuality. You will gradually experience a feeling of blissful rest and calm and content. The attention must be withdrawn entirely from the physical body and centered entirely upon the higher “I,” which is really “you.” Think of the vast worlds around us, the millions of suns, each surrounded with its group of planets like...

The Science of Relaxation

The Science of Relaxation forms a very important part of the Hatha Yoga Philosophy and many of the Yogis have devoted much care and study to this branch of the subject. At first glance it may appear to the average reader that the idea of teaching people how to relax—how to rest—is ridiculous, as everyone should know how to perform this simple feat. And the average man is right—in part. Nature teaches us how to relax and rest to perfection—the infant is a past master in the science. But as we have grown older we have acquired many artificial habits and have allowed Nature’s original habits to lapse. And so at the present time the people of the Western world may well accept from the Yogis a little teaching along the lines of this subject. The average physician could give some very interesting testimony on the subject of the failure of the people to understand the first principles of relaxation he knows that a large percentage of the nervous troubles of the people are due to ignorance of ...

Yogic Direction and Control of the Instinctive Mind

The human body is made of millions of tiny cells, each endowed with sufficient matter to enable it to do its work—with sufficient Prana to give it the energy it requires— with sufficient “mind stuff” to give it the degree of intelligence with which to direct its work. Each cell belongs to a cell group or family, and the intelligence of the cell is in close rapport with the intelligence of every other cell in the group or family, the combined intelligence of the cell group resulting in a group mind. These groups in turn are each a part of some other larger group of groups, and so on until the whole forms a great republic of cell mind under the direction and control of the Instinctive Mind.  The control of these great groups is one of the duties of the Instinctive Mind, and it usually does its work well, unless interfered with by the Intellect, which sometimes sends it fear thoughts, and in this and other ways demoralizes the Instinctive Mind. Its work is also sometimes retarded by ...

Lung Cell Stimulation Exercise

 This exercise is designed to stimulate the air cells in the lungs, but beginners must not overdo it, and in no case should it be indulged in too vigorously. Some may find a slight dizziness resulting from the first few trials, in which case let them walk around a little and discontinue the exercise for a while. (1)    Stand erect, with hands at sides. (2)    Breathe in very slowly and gradually. (3)    While inhaling, gently tap the chest with the finger tips, constantly changing position. (4)    When the lungs are filled, retain the breath and pat the chest with the palms of the hands. (5)    Practice the Cleansing Breath. This exercise is very bracing and stimulating to the whole body, and is a well known Yogi practice. Many of the air cells of the lungs become inactive by reason of incomplete breathing, and often become almost atrophied. One who has practiced imperfect breathing for years will find it n...